Are you misusing your CRM?

How often do you find yourself frustrated as a manager of a CRM system that nobody

seems to use? Are you an end-user or admin constantly asked to enter data that seems

irrelevant to your business goals? CRM systems are valuable tools for managing

customer interaction, but when they’re misused or underutilized, they can be downright


But how can you misuse your CRM?

Most often, companies are guilty of harboring bad

and messy data. Some have challenges with implementing efficient processes and

neglect reporting on their CRM insights.

Bad Data, caused by rushed entry, lack of quality checks and a poor training process

can lead your business astray. Poor data quality shows an inaccurate view of your

customers. That’s not very effective. Pair bad data with adding excessive or irrelevant

information to your CRM, and this makes it challenging for accurate reporting.

Many CRM systems offer a wide array of features and functionalities beyond basic

contact management, however, users often omit these capabilities from their daily

processes. This underutilization may stem from a lack of awareness or training on the

system’s full potential. This results in missed opportunities to automate tasks, analyze

data, or work more efficiently. Smarter, not harder, right?

The goal of a CRM system is to provide valuable insights into customer behavior,

engagement levels, and sales trends. When businesses ignore these analytics, it can

result in missed opportunities for improving marketing strategies, sales approaches, or

customer service initiatives.

How do we combat these system faux pas?

First and foremost, find your CRM advocates! These are your champions to learn your

CRM system from the inside out.

These SMEs are responsible for data entry, maintenance, and regular updates, ensuring

that the information stored is accurate and easily accessible. If your team is really

savvy, they could be responsible for customizing the CRM to suit the specific needs of

your business and provide necessary training to users. Their oversight helps in

optimizing workflows and reporting actionable insights from customer data.

How can you ensure you’re optimizing your CRM? It is important for your CRM

advocates to stress:

● Accurate data entry

● Efficient utilization of system features, extensions and applications

● Proper data management practices

● Leveraging insights derived from CRM analytics - Why else do we have one?!

Most importantly, investing time in training employees, implementing data cleaning

practices and quality checks is key to keeping your system strong. Encourage a culture

of utilizing CRM insights to enhance the effectiveness of your system. Let’s use it, not

lose it.

Contact me today to learn how you can put your best foot forward with your CRM!


CRM: A Must for Business Success